



独立站被推上了风口,成为热议。然而独立站营销并不象想象中那么简单,商家面临的一个又一个的挑战, 从独立站设计开发、推广引流、流量转化……看起来似乎举步维艰。




  • 中小企业快速数字化转型,利用互联网平台拓展业务, 吸引源源不断的客户
  • 目前还没有生意,想抓住互联网电商大势, 实现自己的潜能,获取可观收入
  • 找互联网的高薪热门工作如 搜索引擎优化,付费广告,社交媒体营销,电商网站营销推广等

“北美网络营销第一人”Oliver Gu老师

Oliver Gu,MBA/MS,  2010年开创了有“加拿大电子商务互联网营销黄埔军校”美誉的互联网营销电子商务培训。从加拿大东岸到西岸,Oliver Gu老师的电子商务互联网营销公益讲座使数万人受益, 亲自培训了180余期3000+名中西学员,遍布加拿大,美国,欧洲和中国。

结合丰富的互联网营销实战经验和理论知识,通过线下授课,线上课程,咨询和服务帮助海内外华商在互联网上起步腾飞。 Oliver Gu老师和合作伙伴Mary Wang独创的WELCOME™ 北美网络营销系统如定海神针,提炼出互联网营销的核心精髓,有效地帮助中小企业和中国外贸公司拓展北美市场,提高销售。 Oliver Gu荣获2012年新枫彩加拿大最受观众欢迎的家庭和个人创业奖。 2015年被清华大学国际高级工商管理总裁班(EMBA)聘为电子商务客座讲师。

维多利亚教育集团隆重推出大型免费公益讲座系列 – 实现互联网销售和收入翻倍三部曲

电商小白 – 全网营销 – 金牌销售



  • 您必须知道的2023年数字营销电子商务新趋势
  • 您所不知道的数字货币互联网收入翻倍秘诀
  • 如何把“僵尸网站”变为“吸金网站”为您吸引源源不断的客户
  • 如何通过线上免费和付费广告,网站优化和软文营销提高网站精准流量,实现收入翻倍
  •  如何利用最强有效的WELCOME北美互联网营销系统打造你的电商王国
  • 如何利用行之有效的社交媒体策略在Facebook, Twitter, 微信等社交媒体上占领中西市场
  •  如何利用Amazon和eBay打造你的电商品牌,扩大销售
  • 如何通过鲜为人知的电邮数据库营销策略,把潜在客户转化成实实在在的买家
  • 人人都必须具备的线上金牌销售“技巧”


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Slide "I am blessed to know Mary and Oliver. I am saying this not just because you have taught me how to succeed in my business using online tools and website development and promotions, but also due to your energy level, enormous experience and ever-helpful attitude. People who attend your courses will always excel even if we implement 5 % of what you teach!! My success is an example of what you teach!!" Amit Ambegaonkar, Business Consultant - Yourprofoundsolutions.com Slide Oliver and Mary are true masters when it comes to digital marketing and their passion and knowledge is contagious! Their vast expertise and proven success make them the ideal instructors and leaders in this space. Now, years later, my expertise has also helped me to build out multiple online courses, to help others learn how to grow their own business with Internet marketing. Tricia Belmonte
Built To Sell Online Courses
Slide 2012年九⽉我上了Oliver 和Mary的北美⽹络营销培训⼀, ⼆级, 他们⼿把⼿地教我建起了⾃⼰的⽹站。利⽤所学的⽹站推⼴⽅法,很快我就到⼀个⼜⼀个的询问电话, 我的翻译⽣意蒸蒸⽇上。 今 年六⽉, 我接到了⼀个近$7000加元的订单, 令⼈兴奋的是这个客户告诉我他是从YouTube上看到我的视频找到我的⽹站的!没想到这个⼩⼩的视频竟有 这么⼤的作⽤! 当时我真不敢相信⼜激动不已! 我⼀下⼦就想起Oliver和Mary⽼师,
Linda Zeng
Trainer & Translator
Slide "Hi Mary & Oliver, I am happy to report, that I had an excellent year, last year: I earned 150K. In the first two months of this year, I’ve earned just over 50K. " Don Miller, Insuranceerrorsandomissions.ca

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Before beginning my program at Golden Vision Training, I knew nothing Triciaabout social media, blogging, websites or making money online. I attended a free session and was sold by the very evident wisdom of both Oliver and Mary.

For years I was struggling working for other people, because although successful in my work, my heart had long left and longed for an opportunity where I could really shine based on my own initiatives, not anyone else’s.

Only a few months after taking the course, I took the opportunity to leave the corporate world and begin my own business. Thanks to the wonderful training I had behind me and the ongoing support from Oliver and Mary, it didn’t take long for my business to be a success. Not only did I build my own website, but a few customer sites as well! I use SEO tricks unknown to many other marketers and as a result, am able to get my customers fantastic results in a short period of time, leading to ongoing business and lots of referrals. I am at a point now where I am turning away customers or booking a few weeks ahead.

Thank you Oliver and Mary for giving me this long sought after opportunity of finally having my own business and creating my own success story!

Patricia Martin, LikeUs Communications
Slide Before beginning my program at Golden Vision Training, I knew nothing Triciaabout social media, blogging, websites or making money online. I attended a free session and was sold by the very evident wisdom of both Oliver and Mary.

For years I was struggling working for other people, because although successful in my work, my heart had long left and longed for an opportunity where I could really shine based on my own initiatives, not anyone else’s.

Only a few months after taking the course, I took the opportunity to leave the corporate world and begin my own business. Thanks to the wonderful training I had behind me and the ongoing support from Oliver and Mary, it didn’t take long for my business to be a success. Not only did I build my own website, but a few customer sites as well! I use SEO tricks unknown to many other marketers and as a result, am able to get my customers fantastic results in a short period of time, leading to ongoing business and lots of referrals. I am at a point now where I am turning away customers or booking a few weeks ahead.

Thank you Oliver and Mary for giving me this long sought after opportunity of finally having my own business and creating my own success story!
Patricia Martin, LikeUs Communications

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