In Blogging Tips

Building a content-rich website is vital to your online success. A content-rich website can bring you more traffic and leads.  High quality content is also an essential part of your long-term SEO strategy.  However, one of the problems with many websites (both old and new) is that there is not much content.  When you just set up a new website, you need at least 10 to 15 articles to make your website look “full”.  Without them, your website simply looks like an empty house.  Creating content is a headache to most people because they think it is time-consuming and hard.  “How to build a content-rich website” is  one of the most frequently asked questions by our Internet marketing training students.  In this blog post, I will share with you 5 ways to quickly build a content-rich website.

#1) Borrow articles from article directoriescontent-rich-website

You can easily borrow articles from article directories such as and  These sites are packed with quality articles.  You are allowed to republish a certain number of their articles on your site.   Make sure you read the “terms of service” before you use any articles.  For example, allows you to borrow 25 articles per website for each calendar year. They mostly require you not to edit the article in any way and you include the author’s bio at the end including the links in the articles.  Those links have to be “do follow” links.

This is the easiest and quickest way to fill your new website with quality content.  Of course, there are some disadvantages of borrowing articles such as  the issues of duplicate content and “do follow” links.  I would not worry about that.  Anyways, it is far better than leaving your website empty.

#2) Use free reprint articles

eBook owners and vendors with affiliate programs sometimes offer free articles to promote their products.  Some of them allow you to use the content for free. You can replace the link(s) in the author resources box with your affiliate link for that program so that you get commission if someone buys from your link.

#3) Hire a quality ghostwriter

A ghostwriter is a freelancer who writes blog post or reports for you according to your requirement. You keep the full right of the content and take the credit as the author.  Of course, you can edit it the way you want.  There are many sites where you can find ghostwriters.  For example, and  Find out how to find a good freelance writer on eLance.

#4) Use quality PLR articles

PLR articles stands for Private Label Rights articles.  PLR articles are usually written by a ghostwriter and sold to a limited number of people.  You can edit the articles, publish them “as is” or claim yourself as the author.  You don’t need to give link or credit back to the original author.

To avoid running into duplicate content issue, it is suggested that you customize the PLR articles, tweak them for your market, use your own examples, pictures or case studies.  You have a lot of flexibility when working with PLR articles.  Furthermore, the prices for PLR  articles are very affordable.  It is cheaper than hiring a ghostwriter. When you buy PLR articles, make sure they are professionally-written, edited and sold in limited quantities.

#5) Write the content yourself

If you are building an authority niche website, I strongly recommend that you write most of your content. With the help of ghostwriter and PLR articles, you can produce quality content much faster.  You do not have to write everything from scratch.  Plus, you become the expert, rather than endorsing someone else as the expert.

With the above 5 ways of creating content, you can easily build a content-rich website from scratch.  What method do you use to create content?  I would love to hear from you.  To learn more about how to double your income online + win iPad iPhone, join our mailing list.

Recommended reading: Five Essential Things You Should Do After Setting Up Your New WordPress Website

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  • lina

    thanks for the valuable info

  • Enzemedia

    You always provide high quality articles,very helpful information.I would love to receive your free e book SPEED WEALTH .Thank you so much Mary.I have been you and Olive’s royal Fan.

  • devan

    The information posted here gives me awesome idea how to save time in creating content-rich website. Thank you so much!

  • Rich

    Another option some might consider: write an article around the topic of a syndicated article and embed some of that article (while linking to the source, of course) as a quote. This way, you’re not using a completely-duplicate copy of existing text and you’re integrating your unique perspective on something that’s already written.